Mortemer Abbey - 27440 LISORS

06 71 75 48 84 -


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by the Association loi 1901 « Au Temps des Abbayes » Mortemer Abbey, 27440 LISORS
Directed by Vytas KRAUJELIS

La Voie d'Humilité - Rutebeuf


"THE WAY OF HUMILITY" is a poem of 900 octosyllabic verses, composed by Rutebeuf, Parisian poet of the thirteenth century. In composing this text, the author follows the fashion of his time. Many writers of this century composed some “Chemins du Paradis”, encouraging readers or listeners to good behavior to earn their paradise. Rutebeuf chose to call his poem The Way of Humility, which does not reflect the purpose of rewarding a journey but only the means to achieve it. Besides, who could tell us that something is a foregone conclusion?
The text tells a journey of the poet in search of his life. It consists of chapters-stations which are almost independent poems. Each chapter begins with the houses of sins and virtues cockpits.
We discover on this trip that the defects are doing wonderfully well and virtues are dying. Both architectural description of all these houses and the representation of their inhabitants are very simple and surprising.

For the current audience, this text also recalls the meaning of certain names of sins over the centuries that have lost their original meaning.
Thus, we hear the name of GLUTTONY instead of GREED, ENVY instead of JEALOUSY, ACCIDIE (laziness of mind, a kind of "why bother?") replaces SLOTH.
The text of this poem will be shown in its entirety. The current French adaptation is respectful of rhymes and ideas of the poet.


It will take place in a setting that represents the angels and devils, symbols of sins and virtues.

La Voie d'Humilité - Rutebeuf

At the beginning of the performance, the stage director induces the text and the author to the audience, explains the origin of the poem, recalls the historical context of France in the thirteenth century. The audience will follow the poet on his way to Humility. Nobody can say that each spectator will summarize his own life, but make sure that the text does not let people in indifference.

It is undeniable that this text was composed to be recited in public. Don’t forget - the books in the past centuries are very expensive, few people can read and poetic work is accessible to the widest audience through jugglers who recite.
For the rest of the public mind, the troupe will also perform some dances, with a second reading of some sections of the text.

The troops director stand available to the public after the performance to answer questions and / or to discuss the text, or the medieval era with you.

La Voie d'Humilité - Rutebeuf

Actors and dancers will be dressed according to the fashion of the XIIIth century.
Estimated delivery time: 45 minutes.

Number of actors and dancers on stage between 8 and 10.
It is possible to increase the performances at your event.

For the price of delivery please contact the Association President, Jacqueline CARPENTER-CAFFIN, Internet: or 02 32 49 54 37.
Director: Vytas KRAUJELIS
Tel: 09 51 38 02 06

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Mortemer Abbey - 27440 LISORS

06 71 75 48 84 -