Mortemer Abbey - 27440 LISORS

06 71 75 48 84 -


Book your tickets from now to see the shows of 2024 !


The 2023 season is over - see you next year!

Summer is drawing to a close. We'd like to thank so many of you for taking part in our Tales & Legends Festival, as well as the Medieval Festivals, which have become a real must-see event in the region. All this is thanks to you, but also to our volunteers, without whom nothing would be possible.

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The association « Au Temps des Abbayes »

L'association Au temps des abbayesActor or extra, costume or machinist, buffoon, troubadour, fire-breathing or fencing-master, if you want to express your talents, or simply to participate in the realization of played in public shows, join a friendly and welcoming team...

These shows are supported by the Normandy region, the Eure department, the Pays du Vexin Normand and the communes of Lyons-la-Forêt and Lisors.

Notice of searching

mortemer eventsVolunteers: Express your talents!

Have fun, enrich your life by meetings and great experiences...

Participate in new shows.

You are:

  • Extra, dancer, actor,
  • Dressmaker, decorator, handyman,
  • Without any specialty, but with the desire to meet friends, learn, participate ...

Come join our team of enthusiasts to live great adventures. Take the plunge! Call us at or contact us from the form below.

Contact the Mortemer abbey

Mortemer Abbey - 27440 LISORS

06 71 75 48 84 -