Mortemer Abbey - 27440 LISORS

06 71 75 48 84 -


Book your tickets from now to see the shows of 2024 !


The 2023 season is over - see you next year!

Summer is drawing to a close. We'd like to thank so many of you for taking part in our Tales & Legends Festival, as well as the Medieval Festivals, which have become a real must-see event in the region. All this is thanks to you, but also to our volunteers, without whom nothing would be possible.

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Legal Notices

Mortemer Abbey
27440 Lisors - France
06 71 75 48 84 -

Data Protection

Pursuant to Article 34 of the Data Protection Act you are able to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you. To exercise this right of access, please contact the webmaster via the contact form.

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The association of Mortemer Abbey owns the intellectual property rights or owns the rights to use all the items available on the site, including texts, pictures, graphics, logos, icons, sounds and softwares.

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Any unauthorized use of the site or any of its materials will be deemed to constitute an infringement and to be prosecuted in accordance with Articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

Web hosting and website creation

Address: 24 Boulevard de la Marne - 76000 Rouen - France
Website creation:
Hosting: Ovh France
Address: 140 quai Sartel - 59100 Roubaix - France
Phone: 0 820 698 765

Mortemer Abbey - 27440 LISORS

06 71 75 48 84 -